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(this includes Dry Needling)

Acupuncture is the insertion of fine sterile needles into specific areas of the body. The purpose of acupuncture is to enact a change in the bio-mechanical functions of the body’s tissues. It does so because the electrical conductivity of the needles, interacts, regulates and corrects the flow of Qi, the vital force and substance that is circulating along the twelve main channels and infuses into all the tissues of the body. It has been demonstrated effective for the treatment of a many conditions, such as chronic auto immune issues, weight loss, allergies, common cold, depression, neck and back pain, migraines, infertility, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatological issues, digestive issues, adverse reactions to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, menstrual irregularities, joint pain, neuropathy, sciatica and tendonitis, to name a few.

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Moxibustion is a technique, often used in conjunction with acupuncture, which uses the cut, dried & cured leaves from the plant Artemisia vulgaris, which when prepared is called moxa. Moxa is burned either near the body, directly on the body with a barrier to avoid burns, or attached to the needles, all with the purpose of providing both herbal and far infrared thermal therapy to the acupuncture points and channels in order to tonify qi and alleviate stagnation. Moxa has been shown to reduce inflammation, expel pathogens, improve immune function, aid deep sleep and boost energy levels.

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Herbal Medicine

Classical Chinese medicine hosts more than 10,000 medicinal substances and countless formulations that can be customized to your needs. Chinese herbal formulas are effective in treating a wide range of internal conditions caused by dysregulations within the endocrine, nervous, digestive, cardiac, respiratory, immune, musculoskeletal, gynecological and/or dermatological systems. We offer a variety of ways for patients to receive herbal medicine including tablets and capsules, instant tea granules that may be added to hot water, and/or a raw dried herbal tea formulations which must be cooked by you at home on the stove.

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Facial Acupuncture

In addition to the cosmetic effects of reducing fine lines and wrinkles, increasing collagen and elastin, and restoring facial tone, FRA has deeper transformational benefits.  It works from the face inwards and addresses the internal imbalances created by persistent emotional patterns. Over time these patterns etch themselves in lines that tell a more profound story about your unique health.This therapy. uses these expression lines as a diagnostic tool, which allows us to resolve the relationship between emotional and physiological health.  

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Called Báguàn in Chinese, Cupping is a classical technique involving the use of glass cups and  fire to create a natural vacuum force which is then applied to the skin. This therapeutic suction regulates the nervous system, decompresses the skin, facia and muscular tissues and greatly enhancing blood microcirculation and red blood cell production. What’s more, its effects initiate capillary endothelial cell repair of local tissues while. simultaneously stimulating the removal of dead cells, stagnant interstitial and lymph fluids and metabolic waste products, like lactic acid  and cortisol. Additionally, because of its circulatory benefits it can be effective for LDL reduction and aids in the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

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Balancing Treatments

Balancing Treatments

Peaceful Spirit 

Smooth Flow 


Jade Screen 

Clear Water Detox 

Visit the Spa At Sacred Grounds Website to learn more about our balancing treatments. 

Image by нυвιѕ тανєяη
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